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Hukumusume fairy tale collection > Kamishibai Ants



  Ants used to be humans.

 The person was a farmer but the crops he grew in his field were not enough to content him.

 Therefore, he occasionally stole his neighbors' crops in their fields.

 The God Zeus was so furious,

“I can’t stand such a greedy man like him!”

and changed this man into what we call an ant.

 Even though this man now looked like an ant, his personality didn’t change.

 In fact, he always wandered around his neighbors’ fields

and picked up their barley and wheat and saved them up for himself.

 Click here to read a story tells you that how harshly a natural-born bad person is punished,

their characters wouldn’t change.

The end

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Aesop’s Fables

Short stories of Edo