Hukumusume fairy tale collection > Story Top > Aesop’s Fables

The golden axe
- Adapted fable from Aesop “Mercury and the woodman” -
(Aesop’s Fables)
Translation ちいさな翻訳屋さん
Japanese ←→ Japanese & English ←→ English
Once upon a time there was a man cutting woods by the river.
One day he happened to drop his axe into the water.
He wept for his loss, didn’t know what to do.
Because without an axe, he cannot make himself a living.
And then, there was the god Hermes appeared from a water, showed him a shiny golden axe.
“Is this your axe?” asked Hermes.
The man answered, “No it’s not, mine is not that fine.”
Then Hermes showed him a silver axe and asked,
“Or, is this the one?”
“No, mine is not that beautiful either.”
“Then is this the one?”
The third one Hermes had shown him was dirty and worn-out.
“Yes, that is the one! I’m so glad you finding it for me,” said he.
“You are an honest man.”
Hermes was so impressed by man’s honesty, that he gave him both golden and silver axe as well.
When the man returned home and told his friend about it with overjoyed look, his friend was so jealous.
He said to himself , “I might as well get myself a golden axe.”
And went straight to a river with his own dirty axe.
There he arrived in a river,
and threw his axe into a water.
He indeed did that on purpose and faked his crying.
There once again the god Hermes appeared from the water, showed him a shiny golden axe.
“Is this your axe?”asked Hermes.
He answered, “Oh yes, that golden axe is mine. I happened to drop it into the water.”
Hermes shot a resentful look at the man and shouted,
“What a greedy liar you are!”
Hermes dove right back into the water.
The man who was “A greedy liar”, not only lost his axe, but had to kept wailing by the water.
God is good to you for being honest, but he punishes you for being a liar.
If you become greedy and liar, you will lose what you have after all.
The end
One-point advice
“Hermes” is god in a Greek myth, also known as “Mercury” in roman myth.
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