恋の魔法とおまじない <福娘童話集> 女の子応援サイト さくら -sakura-
Hukumusume fairy tale collection > Magic Spell and Charms for Love
How to defeat your rival (Black pebble)
Story so far 『your wish come true 『Birds seen 『A broken shoelace 『How to be brave (☆)
ライバルに勝つおまじない (黒い小石)

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ライバルに勝つおまじない (黒い小石)

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ライバルに勝つおまじない (黒い小石)
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ライバルに勝つおまじない (黒い小石)
Illustration 「愛ちん(夢宮愛)」  Website Small room of Aichin

Japanese ←→ Japanese & English ←→ English

Translation ちいさな翻訳屋さん

Items necessary
 A black pebble, a red pen

 Write your rival’s initial on a black pebble with a red pen.

 At night, bury the black pebble, without no one seeing you, in the park located north of the rival’s house.

 The power of the charm will weaken the rival’s vitality, and you will more likely defeat the rival.

Important point.
 Because this charm will run out your luck, do not use it as much as possible.

Next good luck spell 『Good luck spell to be more brave.』

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Magic Spell and Charms for Love

Hukumusume fairy tale collection

Magic Spell and Charms for Love


(The Tale of the Beginning)

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