恋の魔法とおまじない <福娘童話集> 女の子応援サイト さくら -sakura-
Hukumusume fairy tale collection > Magic Spell and Charms for Love
How to tell if you can get married in the following year
Story so far 『A charm to make you feel better when you have motion sickness or anything alike. 『A charm to help you get married. 『How to protect your loved one from unfortunate events.

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Illustration 「愛ちん(夢宮愛)」  Website Small room of Aichin

Japanese ←→ Japanese & English ←→ English

Translation ちいさな翻訳屋さん

Items necessary
 A willow tree, a pair of shoes you don't need anymore

 On New Year’s Eve, throw a pair of shoes you don’t need anymore toward a willow tree while wishing you’d get married sometime next year.

 If at least one of the shoes gets stuck in the tree, you have a great chance of marriage within the following year.

Important point.
 You only have two chances; a left shoe and a right shoe.

 If you did get married in the following year, you must go thank the willow tree.

 If you don’t thank the tree, the tree may come between the two of you in anger.

Next good luck spell 『A good luck charm that helps you convey your feelings to someone』

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Magic Spell and Charms for Love

Hukumusume fairy tale collection

Magic Spell and Charms for Love


(The Tale of the Beginning)

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