Hukumusume fairy tale collection > Story Top > Short stories of Edo
Not You!
(Short stories of Edo)
Translation ちいさな翻訳屋さん
Japanese ←→ Japanese & English ←→ English
Hachigoro heard that someone had caught 50 gold coins while fishing.
So he left home right away, carrying a fishing pole on his shoulder.
As soon as he put out to sea in a boat and dropped his line in the water, a big and fine-looking sea bream got caught.
Hachigoro, however, let the sea bream off the hook and threw it back to the sea saying,
“ Darn it. Not you!”
The end
One-point Advice
A sea bream or a “tai” is so called the king of fish and the big one, like Hachigoro caught, is worth a lot of money.
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