昔話の英語《福娘童話集》昔話の英語 English 童話・昔話・おとぎ話の福娘童話集

Hukumusume fairy tale collection > Foreign language (English) > Mouse's marriage

Translation version The second story

ネズミの嫁入り Mouse's marriage

Mouse's marriage

Translation Liana Kerr
Blog 「Liana's Paper Doll Blog」

♪English reading
TIME 4:37   Reading スタヂオせんむ

Japanese ←→ Japanese & English ←→ English

Once upon a time, there lived a young mouse, Chuuko, and her mother and father.

One day, Chuuko's mother said to her father, ”Dear, isn't it about time that we find a nice husband for Chuuko?”

”So it is... But seeing as she's the best daughter in the world, she deserves only the best husband in the world. I suppose the strongest husband in the world would be the Sun...”

With that, Chuuko's mother and father went to the Sun and asked him, ”Oh, Sun, you who are the strongest in the whole world, will you accept our Chuuko as your bride?”

”I'm honored you asked me, but the Cloud is stronger than I. After all, he can cover me up easily..”

And so Chuuko's mother and father made their way to the Cloud and asked, ”Oh Cloud, you who are the strongest in the whole world, will you accept our Chuuko as your bride?”

The Cloud replied, ”I'm honored you asked me, but the Wind is stronger than I. After all, blowing me away is nothing to him...”

And so Chuuko's mother and father made their way to the Wind and asked, ”Oh Wind, you who are the strongest in the world, will you accept our Chuuko as your bride?”

The Wind replied, ”I'm honored you asked me, but the Wall is stronger than I. After all, no matter how hard I huff and puff, my breath merely glances off of him...”

And so Chuuko's mother and father made their way to the Wall and asked, ”Oh Wall, you who are the strongest in the world, will you accept our Chuuko as your bride?”

The Wall replied, ”I'm honored you asked me, but there is another, stronger even than I. That would be you mice. After all, even I can be brought down by your constant gnawing at me.”

”Do you mean to say... we mice are the strongest in the world?” asked Chuuko's father.

Upon hearing that, they chose a mouse to be Chuuko's husband, and they lived happily ever after.

The End

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