恋の魔法とおまじない <福娘童話集> 女の子応援サイト さくら -sakura-
Hukumusume fairy tale collection > Magic Spell and Charms for Love
How to separate from someone you hate.

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Illustration 「愛ちん(夢宮愛)」  Website Small room of Aichin

Japanese ←→ Japanese & English ←→ English

Translation ちいさな翻訳屋さん

Items necessary

 Splittable chopstick.


 Place the unsplit chopstick on the table in front of you.

 If you are right-handed, write your name on the right chopstick, if you are left-handed, write your name on the left chopstick. Then, write the name of the person you want to separate from on the other chopstick.

 Chant in your mind, “I don't want to see him/her!” and break the chopstick in half.

 Throw the chopstick that has your name on it in your trash at home. Next, throw the other chopstick with the name of the person you want to separate from, somewhere other than your home.

 Don't throw it in a place where you meet that person often, such as school.

 The person you want to separate from will be repelled by this charm and naturally distance you.

Important point.

 Your friends luck will decrease, so try not to use it.

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Magic Spell and Charms for Love

Hukumusume fairy tale collection

Magic Spell and Charms for Love


(The Tale of the Beginning)

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