恋の魔法とおまじない <福娘童話集> 女の子応援サイト さくら -sakura-
Hukumusume fairy tale collection > Magic Spell and Charms for Love
A charm to gain other’s strong point.
Story so far  Both of you will have good luck.

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Illustration 「愛ちん(夢宮愛)」  Website Small room of Aichin

Japanese ←→ Japanese & English ←→ English

Translation ちいさな翻訳屋さん

Items necessary.
 A clear marble (without anything inside of it)

 Watching one of your friends with a strong point (like being good at Kanji or iron bar) which you want through a marble, recite in your mind, like “I want to be good at △△ like ○○!” After that, if you practice what you want as your strong point, it will improve rapidly.

Important point.
 You should not make an abstract wish like “I want to be good at physical education“, but you should make a concrete wish like being good at an iron bar, which is more effective.
 You can only make one wish using one marble, so you have to make a new wish using another marble.
 If your wish realizes using one marble, you have to keep the marble carefully.

Next good luck spell 『Don’t talk with a sleep-talker.』

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Magic Spell and Charms for Love

Hukumusume fairy tale collection

Magic Spell and Charms for Love


(The Tale of the Beginning)

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