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Hukumusume fairy tale collection > Foreign language (English) > Classical stories of the world

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A Hen and Wheat Grain

(Old stories of English)

Translation ちいさな翻訳屋さん

♪Reading in English
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Japanese ←→ Japanese & English ←→ English

 Once upon a time, there was a hen.

“It's my treat, everyone. Come over here.”

 The hen always pecked the garden and fed the baby chicks.

 One day, the hen found some wheat grains.


“If you plant them, a lot of wheat will grow.

 Let’s make a lot of them and eat,”

 said the hen in a loud voice.

“Can anyone help me plant seeds of wheat?”


 However, a duck playing on the pond said,

“Sorry, I’m busy now.”

 She declined.

 A pig looked sleepy opened his eyes.


 He just yawned pretending not to hear anything.

 The cat basking in the sun also shook her head and said,

“I’m in the middle of something.”

 Since no one wouldn't help, the hen planted the seeds of wheat by herself.


 After a while, a lot of wheat grew.

 Then the hen asked everyone,

“Can anyone help me harvest the wheat?”



“I’m learning how to swim now.

said the duck.

 The pig said,

“I’m now eating the feast so I can’t come.”

 The cat said,

“I’m polishing my fur so I can’t.”

 The hen had no choice but harvest the wheat by herself and then took it to a miller.


 Before long, the hen brought back a pure white bag full of flour.

 The she loudly said,

“I’m baking delicious bread. Can anybody help me?”


 The duck said,

“I hate such a hassle!”

 The pig said,

“I don’t want to do such a tough job.”

 The cat said,

“I don’t like doing such a bothering thing.”

 No one wouldn’t help her.

 The hen ended up baking bread by herself.


 Later on, savory bread had been baked.

“Now kids, let’s eat the bread.”

 Once the hen and baby chicks started eating, everybody gathered.


 The duck said,

“It looks so good. Can I have some?”

 The pig said,

“Looks delicious. I want to have some too.”

 The cat said,

“Smells good. Please give me some too.”

 Then the hen said,


 I’ll give some to anybody who helps me bake it.

 Well, who of you helped me first?”


 On hearing that, the duck, pig, and the cat felt embarrassed and took off.

The end

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