Hukumusume fairy tale collection > Foreign language (English) > Aesop’s Fables

イラスト myi ブログ sorairoiro
Hermes and The Craftsmen
(Aesop’s Fables)
Translation ちいさな翻訳屋さん
Japanese ・ English ・ Chinese
Japanese & English ・Japanese & Chinese
Once upon a time, Zeus ordered Hermes souse “Liar Medicine” over every craftsman.
Hermes ground the medicine, divided it equally, and then soused it over the craftsmen one after another.

However, when Hermes was about to souse the medicine over a shoemaker, who was the last to be soused over.
he had second thought. Instead of sousing the equal amount of the medicine, Hermes soused all the rest over the shoemaker because there was plenty of leftover medicine.

Ever since then, all the craftsmen have become liars,
and among them, especially shoemakers have become big liars.
It seems that Aesop might have had such awful experiences with craftsmen, especially shoemakers.
Anyway, it is said that this story is the one to tell to those who are always lying.
The end
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