5月2日生まれ(Born May 2)
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Illustration 「愛ちん(夢宮愛)」 Website Small room of Aichin ※無断転載禁止
日本語(Japanese) ←→ 日本語(Japanese) & 英語(English) ←→ 英語(English)
ほんやく(Translation) ちいさな翻訳屋さん
・あなたの性格(Your personality)
(You’re a caring girl with a pure heart.)
(You’re good at reading the atmosphere so you can entertain others by being talkative.)
(You’re a bit shy, though, so you cannot talk to a stranger as good as usual.)
・恋愛運(Predict your love life)
(You’re so shy you blush scarlet when your secret love turns up.)
(Your shyness, however, makes boys feel “I’m gonna protect her,” so they adore you.)
(You’re so good at reading the atmosphere, you should study his reaction and reduce the gap between you and him bit by bit.)
(By utilizing your ability to read the atmosphere, you work hard to make your friends on good terms with each other. )
(You make your friends feel so good, you’re naturally surrounded by them.)
(You tend to be too attentive when you’re with your many friends, though. Sometimes, you might be tired of being with them.)
・運勢の高まる月と日にち(Your lucky months and dates)
5月と7月 毎月の2日と20日
(May and July, also the 2nd and the 20th of each month.)
・相性の良い彼のタイプ(Compatible boyfriend type)
(As you have a pure heart, a caring and polite boy will be good for you.)
(How you should approach a boy who was born on the date)
(He is a very proud boy, so do not say anything negative about him even as a joke.)
(By trying to please him, you should reduce the gap between you and him bit by bit.)
彼の好みは 『おとなしくて優しい女の子』
(His favorite type is a “Quiet and kind girl.”)
・開運方法(How to gain good luck)
ラッキーカラー(Your lucky color) ローズピンク(rose pink) Color sample ラッキースポット(Your lucky spot) 草原(A meadow) ラッキーファッション(Your lucky fashion style) チェック柄(Checkered pattern) ラッキーナンバー(Your lucky number) 7.25.97 ラッキーアイテム(Your lucky item) 刺繍入り枕カバー(Pillow case with embroidery) ラッキーフード(Your lucky food) トースト(Toast) 誕生花と花言葉(Your birth flower and the language of the flower) ライラック(lilac) 愛の最初の感情(The first emotion when falling in love.) → 花写真(Flower photo)
・向いている仕事(Compatible job for you)
(You should select a job in which you need to be able to read the atmosphere and be sociable.)
(e.g. a Nurse, a Sommelier, etc.)
・ワンポイントチャームアップ(One-point advice to make yourself more charming)
(Pay more attention to your style around your neck. Then, you’ll find it easier to speak to anyone even in your first meeting with them as their eyes go around your neck.)
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