7月23生まれ(Born July 23)
4k(2880×2160) 4k whole body(2160×2880) Nurie(2880×2160) Nurie whole body(2160×2880)
Illustration 「愛ちん(夢宮愛)」 Website Small room of Aichin ※無断転載禁止
日本語(Japanese) ←→ 日本語(Japanese) & 英語(English) ←→ 英語(English)
ほんやく(Translation) ちいさな翻訳屋さん
・あなたの性格(Your personality)
(You’re a good home maker. You enjoy looking after others and you love children.)
(You’re a smart girl and you have the leadership.)
(You always stay calm and think, so you seldom fail.)
・恋愛運(Predict your love life)
(As you’re highly lucky in love and you can plan ahead in approaching him, he’ll seldom turn down your love.)
(Ask your friends for support. Then, you’ll be even more successful in gaining his love.)
(You look after others nicely, so many of your friends should come around and seek your support.)
(Everyone sees you as kind of their caring elder sister.)
・運勢の高まる月と日にち(Your lucky months and dates)
7月と12月 毎月の14日と23日
(July and December, also the 14th and the 23rd of each month.)
・相性の良い彼のタイプ(Compatible boyfriend type)
(For your boyfriend, you should find someone mature, who you can rely on.)
(How you should approach a boy who was born on the date)
(He is very interested in love, but he is so shy, he cannot act on it.)
(Perhaps, you should take the lead when you’re with him.)
彼の好みは 『元気で素直な女の子』
(His favorite type is a “Cheerful and honest girl.”)
・開運方法(How to gain good luck)
ラッキーカラー(Your lucky color) オリエンタルブルー(oriental blue) Color sample
ラッキースポット(Your lucky spot) キッチン(Kitchen)
ラッキーファッション(Your lucky fashion style) デニムカットパンツ(Cut-off denim shorts)
ラッキーナンバー(Your lucky number) 3.12.84
ラッキーアイテム(Your lucky item) 白いスマートフォン(White smart phone)
ラッキーフード(Your lucky food) クッキー(Cookie)
誕生花と花言葉(Your birth flower and the language of the flower) ジンジャー(ginger) 豊かな心(Heart-felt mind.) → 花写真(Flower photo)
・向いている仕事(Compatible job for you)
(As you have the leadership and you can always stay calm and think, you have an aptitude for organizing people.)
(e.g. an Architect, a System Engineer, etc.)
・ワンポイントチャームアップ(One-point advice to make yourself more charming)
(Have your eyes wide open, so as to increase your charm.)
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