8月24日生まれ(Born August 24)
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Illustration 「愛ちん(夢宮愛)」 Website Small room of Aichin ※無断転載禁止
日本語(Japanese) ←→ 日本語(Japanese) & 英語(English) ←→ 英語(English)
ほんやく(Translation) ちいさな翻訳屋さん
・あなたの性格(Your personality)
(You’re highly fashionable and you love cute items.)
(You’re good at asking others for favor. They can hardly say “No” to you.)
(You’re very honest and you always work hard on school subjects as well as private lessons.)
・恋愛運(Predict your love life)
(As you have a strong wish for married life, you’re always attracted to someone.)
(Even if you break up with your boyfriend, you’ll be able to find new love quite soon.)
(You’re good at convincing others to do what you want. If you simply say to boys, “Why not date me?,” many of them will sure say OK.)
(You can be good friends with people who share your hobbies. If they don’t share your hobbies, your friendship won’t last long.)
(When your friends ask you out for something, you should spontaneously join them. Then, your friends will be increased.)
・運勢の高まる月と日にち(Your lucky months and dates)
2月と9月 毎月の6日と24日
(February and September also the 6tht and the 24th of each month.)
・相性の良い彼のタイプ(Compatible boyfriend type)
(As you’re good at asking anyone for favor, you should find a caring, generous boy.)
(How you should approach a boy who was born on the date)
(He seeks high level of femininity in girls. He hates untidy girls.)
(You should be aware of your appearance when you’re with him.)
彼の好みは 『礼儀正しい女の子』
(His favorite type is a “Very polite girl.”)
・開運方法(How to gain good luck)
ラッキーカラー(Your lucky color) マゼンタ(magenta) Color sample
ラッキースポット(Your lucky spot) 窓際(Window side)
ラッキーファッション(Your lucky fashion style) 花柄(Flower print)
ラッキーナンバー(Your lucky number) 5.14.59
ラッキーアイテム(Your lucky item) アロマグッズ(Aroma goods)
ラッキーフード(Your lucky food) ハンバーグ(Meat loaf)
誕生花と花言葉(Your birth flower and the language of the flower) 花魁草(Hydrangea paniculata. ) 温和(Gentleness.) → 花写真(Flower photo)
・向いている仕事(Compatible job for you)
(You’re so good at convincing others, you should find a job in which you negotiate with people.)
(e.g. a Music Producer, a Beauty advisor, etc.)
・ワンポイントチャームアップ(One-point advice to make yourself more charming)
(One of the basic fashion principles should be nail treatment.)
(Your nails should not be too long or too short. The ideal nails should be egg-shaped.)

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