11月17日生まれ(Born November 17)
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Illustration 「愛ちん(夢宮愛)」 Website Small room of Aichin ※無断転載禁止
日本語(Japanese) ←→ 日本語(Japanese) & 英語(English) ←→ 英語(English)
ほんやく(Translation) ちいさな翻訳屋さん
・あなたの性格(Your personality)
(You love children and animals. You’re not keen on any conflict.)
(You constantly make efforts so everyone trusts you.)
(You’re interested in traditional things. Kimono and/or Yukata (casual summer Kimono) look nice on you.)
・恋愛運(Predict your love life)
(Once you fancy someone, you don’t know what to do with him. You’ll just be shy and take no action.)
(When you’re with him, you’re so nervous, you cannot talk naturally.)
(You should be more forward, or quite likely, you won’t have a boyfriend.)
(You’re very kind to the friends who you get along with.)
(You never let your friends down, so they look after you really nicely.)
(Although you enjoy having fun with your friends, you value your own time.)
・運勢の高まる月と日にち(Your lucky months and dates)
1月と11月 毎月の8日と17日
(January and November, also the 8th and the 17th of each month.)
・相性の良い彼のタイプ(Compatible boyfriend type)
(For your boyfriend, you should find someone who is fond of children like you.)
(How you should approach a boy who was born on the date)
(The boys, who were born on the date, are also not very good at playing love games.)
(He’s so shy, you must not jump to your love confession.)
(You should begin with becoming friends with him by talking to him with a smile.)
彼の好みは 『明るく気さくな女の子』
(His favorite type is a “Spirited and frank girl.”)
・開運方法(How to gain good luck)
ラッキーカラー(Your lucky color) ホワイト(white) Color sample
ラッキースポット(Your lucky spot) 商店街(Shopping districts near the train station)
ラッキーファッション(Your lucky fashion style) ストライプ柄(Stripe patterns)
ラッキーナンバー(Your lucky number) 1.10.73
ラッキーアイテム(Your lucky item) 日記帳(Diary)
ラッキーフード(Your lucky food) クリームシチュー(Stew)
誕生花と花言葉(Your birth flower and the language of the flower) 蔦(つた)(Ivy and vine.) 結婚(Marriage.) → 花写真(Flower photo)
・向いている仕事(Compatible job for you)
(As you’re good at making constant efforts, you have an aptitude for civil servant.)
(e.g. a Government official, a Elementary school teacher, etc.)
・ワンポイントチャームアップ(One-point advice to make yourself more charming)
(Try to keep your finger tips neat and you’ll be more charming.)
(Give delicate treatment to your nails frequently.)
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