Hukumusume fairy tale collection > Foreign language (English) > Aesop’s Fables

イラスト myi ブログ sorairoiro
A Camel and Zeus
(Aesop’s Fables)
Translation ちいさな翻訳屋さん
Japanese ・ English ・ Chinese
Japanese & English ・Japanese & Chinese
A camel became envious of an ox who has horns.
“It’s nice tossing big horns like that. I wish I had them, too.”
So the camel visited Zeus.

“Please let me have horns,”
asked the camel.
The Zeus said,
“What are you saying?
I gave you a big and fine body and strength, and you are still not satisfied?”

Zeus not only didn’t give horns to the camel but also cut off little bit of the camel’s ears.
When a greedy person is dissatisfied because he is envious of others,
he often overlooks the advantage he already has
and ends up spoiling it, too.
The end
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