Hukumusume fairy tale collection > Foreign language (English) > Aesop’s Fables

イラスト myi ブログ sorairoiro
A mouse and a bull
(Aesop’s Fables)
Translation ちいさな翻訳屋さん
Japanese ・ English ・ Chinese
Japanese & English ・Japanese & Chinese
The bull was angry when the mouse bit him, so he tried to catch the mouse.

However, the mouse ducked all of the bulls attack and hid inside a hole.

The bull tried to dig through the hole with his horn but the hole of the mouse was deeper than he expected.
The bull became tired before he could drag the mouse out
and started to sleep in front of the hole.

When the mouse noticed it, he came out of the hole and crept up on the bull.
The mouse bit the bull again and hid in his hole.

The bull awoke in shock
and didn’t know what to do but cry.
The mouse then put his head out from the hole and said

“You know, it isn’t always good to have a big body.
This small body of mine suits me well when I play pranks.”
It is true that having a smaller body is advantageous when you play prank.
However, you may get punished if you don’t behave yourself.
The end
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