お城ヘ出入りしている商人が、中国から来たすずめを手に入れました。 A merchant dealing with a lord obtained sparrows from China.
すずめは全部で、六羽います。 He got six sparrows in all.
中国のすずめは大変珍しいので、殿さまに献上(けんじょう→さしあげること)することになりました。 These sparrows were to be offered to the lord because Chinese sparrows were very rare.
めでたい数でないと、どんなに珍しい物でも喜びません。 However, the lord was such a superstitious person that he was never pleased unless the number of the items he received was a lucky number even if the items were very rare.
「まずいな。殿さまに献上するなら、七・五・三のどれかでないとまずい。しかしいくら数えても、六羽しかおらんわ」 “What should I do? When they are offered to the lord, the number should be a lucky number, like 7, 5 or 3. In fact, no matter how many times I count, there are still six.”
商人は、しばらく考えておりましたが、 The merchant was lost in thought for a while.
「ええ、ままよ」 “Well... what will be will be,”
と、日本のすずめを一羽足して七羽にして、殿さまに献上いたしました。 He said to himself and added one Japanese sparrow to the group and took them to the lord.
「おお、これは珍しい」 “Oh, they are very rare.”
殿さまは大変ご機嫌で、一羽一羽、念入り(ねんいり)にながめていましたが、 said the lord happily and took a close look at them one by one.
「はて、中国のすずめと申しながら、日本のすずめが一羽まじっておるぞ。どうした事じゃ?」 “ You said that they are Chinese sparrows but one of them is a Japanese sparrow, isn’t it? How come?”
と、尋ねてきました。 asked the lord.
「そっ、それは・・・」 “Well...it’s because ...”
商人が返事を出来ずに困っていると、日本のすずめが小さな口を開けて言いました。 The merchant mumbled.
then the Japanese sparrow opened its tiny beak and said,
「お殿さま。わたくしは、通訳(つうやく)でございます」 “ I am an interpreter, Your Lordship”