昔話の英語 イソップ童話 Hukumusuem fairy tale collection  
Title / Story
よくばりなイヌ NO.1 : The Greedy Dog
Storyline : A dog with a piece of meat was so greedy that he lost his own meat.
TIME 1:52 Click here to read a story

よくばりなイヌ NO.1 : Du chien et de son image French
Resume : Un chien qui tenait un morceau de viande, perd son morceau a cause de son avidite.
TIME 1:37 Afficher l’histoire

よくばりなイヌ NO.1 : 욕심꾸러기 개 Korean
줄거리 : 고기덩어리를 입에 문 개가 욕심을 부려 고기를 잃어 버린 이야기
TIME 1:53 이야기를 표시

モミの木とイバラ NO.2 : The Hare and the Tortoise
Storyline : The fir-tree was being arrogant towards the bramble, but…
TIME 2:22 Click here to read a story

モミの木とイバラ NO.2 : Du sapin et du buisson French
Resume : Le sapin se vantait aupres du buisson mais…
TIME 2:25 Afficher l’histoire

モミの木とイバラ NO.2 : 전나무와 가시나무 Korean
줄거리 : 전나무가 가시나무한테 뽐냈는데, 하지만,,,,,
TIME 2:36 이야기를 표시

Illustration myi
NO.3 : The Crow and the Pitcher
Storyline : How a smart crow drinks water from a pitcher.
TIME 1:55 Click here to read a story

Illustration myi
NO.3 : De la Corneille et de la cruche French
Resume : Comment une corneille intelligente boit de l’eau.
TIME 1:47 Afficher l’histoire

Illustration myi
NO.3 :까마귀와 물병 Korean
줄거리 : 똑똑한 까마귀가 물을 마시는 방법
TIME 1:50 이야기를 표시

The mouse and the lion NO.4 : The mouse and the lion
Storyline : The mouse repays lion for his life.
TIME 1:57 Click here to read a story

The mouse and the lion NO.4 : Du lion et du rat French
Resume : Un rat qui fut sauve par un lion, lui sauva a son tour sa vie.
TIME 1:56 Afficher l’histoire

Illustration myi
NO.5 : Ants
Storyline : Ants used to be humans but the god got angry and….
TIME 1:21 Click here to read a story

Illustration myi
NO.5 : La fourmi French
Resume : La fourmi etait autrefois un etre humain. Mais Dieu s’est fache et….
TIME 1:17 Afficher l’histoire

The boy who cried wolf NO.6 : The boy who cried wolf
Storyline : If you keep lying, that can be a serious problem.
TIME 1:56 Click here to read a story

The boy who cried wolf NO.6 : Le garcon qui criait au loup French
Resume : Si on ment toujours en criant ≪ au loup ≫…
TIME 2:05 Afficher l’histoire

The golden axe NO.7 : The golden axe
Storyline : Which axe did you drop, golden or silver?
TIME 3:38 Click here to read a story

Illustration myi
NO.8 : The beauty contest of the birds
Storyline : God held a beauty contest of the birds. And guess who the winner is.
TIME 1:32 Click here to read a story

The two travelers and the axe NO.9 : The two travelers and the axe
Storyline : The difference between “I” and “We”.
TIME 1:42 Click here to read a story

NO.10 : A Lion And A Donkey
Storyline : A lion and a donkey went hunting together and what happens to the share…
TIME 1:34 Click here to read a story

Illustration my
NO.11 : The Flies
Storyline : Some flies were licking honey and it stuck to their bodies.
TIME 1:07 Click here to read a story

Illustration myi
NO.12 : Flea And Cow
Storyline : A cow feels happy when a human strokes its back. How about a flea?
TIME 1:21 Click here to read a story

Illustration myi
NO.13 : A Dog And A Lion’s Skin
Storyline : A fox makes sarcastic comments to a dog tearing up a lion’s skin.
TIME 0:50 Click here to read a story

アリとキリギリス(The Ants and the Grasshopper)
NO.14 : The Ants and the Grasshopper
Storyline : A cheerful grasshopper and hard working ants.
TIME 4:07 Click here to read a story

ウサギとカメ NO.15 : The Hare and the Tortoise
Storyline : The hare and the tortoise ran a race to find out which is faster.
TIME 2:51 Click here to read a story


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