11月23日生まれ(Born November 23)
4k(2880×2160) 4k whole body(2160×2880) Nurie(2880×2160) Nurie whole body(2160×2880)

Illustration 「愛ちん(夢宮愛)」 Website Small room of Aichin ※無断転載禁止
日本語(Japanese) ←→ 日本語(Japanese) & 英語(English) ←→ 英語(English)
ほんやく(Translation) ちいさな翻訳屋さん
・あなたの性格(Your personality)
(You’re a role model student who has the right perspective.)
(You’re actually quiet, but because of the way you look, people assume you’re an active girl.)
(You’re good at sport so you might pursue your career in that field.)
・恋愛運(Predict your love life)
(You tend to easily fall in love and get bored quickly.)
(You work really hard to win his heart by making several plans ahead, but once he confesses his love to you, you’ll just fall out of love.)
(You’ll date many boys, but you’ll end up with someone around and be happily in love with him.)
(You’re a diligent and bright girl. You’re popular among your friends.)
(Your friends often seek your support, so you’ll naturally take the role of their elder sister.)
・運勢の高まる月と日にち(Your lucky months and dates)
11月と12月 毎月の5日と23日
(November and December, also the 5th and the 23rd of each month.)
・相性の良い彼のタイプ(Compatible boyfriend type)
(For your boyfriend, you should find someone who is honest and points out your weaknesses.)
(How you should approach a boy who was born on the date)
(The boys, who were born on the date, are also quite athletic. They expect their girlfriends to be as athletic.)
(If you wish to start dating him, you might have to do routine exercises.)
彼の好みは 『笑顔の可愛い女の子』
(His favorite type is a “Girl with a cute smile.”)
・開運方法(How to gain good luck)
ラッキーカラー(Your lucky color) イエローオーカー(yellow ocher) Color sample
ラッキースポット(Your lucky spot) 教室(Class room)
ラッキーファッション(Your lucky fashion style) ロングヘア(Long hair)
ラッキーナンバー(Your lucky number) 7.70.88
ラッキーアイテム(Your lucky item) スポーツウェア(Sports wear)
ラッキーフード(Your lucky food) イチゴ(Strawberry)
誕生花と花言葉(Your birth flower and the language of the flower) 蜜柑(みかん)(Satsuma orange.) 花嫁の喜び(Happy bride.) → 花写真(Flower photo)
・向いている仕事(Compatible job for you)
(You’ll be successful in sport-related jobs.)
(e.g. a Yoga instructor, a Dancer, etc.)
・ワンポイントチャームアップ(One-point advice to make yourself more charming)
(Try to be stylish with sporty taste, and you’ll be more charming.)

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